Plan area subzone Cahul

Additional Information

  • Protection of investments by the state
  • Legal status of FEZ regulated by the law
  •  Possibility to transfer the profit abroad
  •  Preferential regime for the stimulation of economic activity
  •  Guarantee of persistence of legislation for 10 years
  •  Free circulation of products (services) within the FEZ
  •  Possibility to transfer the goods
  •  Preferential customs regime
  •  Preferential customs duty rates

Plan area subzone Cahul

Map description:

1. Sectia de producere a blocurilor mici din beton celular: a) - blocul de producere principal: L - 96m; l - 18m; h - 10,8 m; S - 1728 m.p.;pod rulant 10 t;
b) - sectia autoclav: L. - 57m; l - 8,4 m; h - 8,4 m; S- 478,8 m.p.;
c) - depozit marfuri gata: L - 72m; шир - 24 м; h - 10,8 m; S- 1728 m.p.; pod rulant 10 t
2. Constructie nefinisata (sectia maruntire): L.- 36m; l - 30m; h - 10,8 m; S - 972 m.p.


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