Investors about the Cahul sub-zone

Additional Information

  • Protection of investments by the state
  • Legal status of FEZ regulated by the law
  •  Possibility to transfer the profit abroad
  •  Preferential regime for the stimulation of economic activity
  •  Guarantee of persistence of legislation for 10 years
  •  Free circulation of products (services) within the FEZ
  •  Possibility to transfer the goods
  •  Preferential customs regime
  •  Preferential customs duty rates

Investors about the Cahul sub-zone

Cahul town

Cahul is the biggest district center in the south of Moldova hosting numerous industrial enterprises, objects of culture, commercial centers, residential areas, transportation routes. The town has a dairy factory, a bakery, a winery, the light industry is also well-developed.

Most of the population are bilingual and are Romanian and Russian language speakers at communication level.

The Cahul town has around 50 institutions of education, including 2 institutions of higher education, 2 colleges, 5 professional technical schools, several schools and lyceums.


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